Embodied Myoreflex Therapy Practitioner (EMP) Certification

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EMP is the further education for any dance and movement practitioner, arts and other educator, artist, therapist and social worker wanting to create an effective therapeutic and embedded embodied practice. As certified Myoreflex therapist using neuro-myo-fascial movement practice, the EMP is able to release the full range of movement potential of their clients, addressing a wide range of issues from pain, trauma, and functional derailings.

Through integrating elective ImPulsTanz dance and somatic workshops in the EMP curriculum, programme graduates build an individual professional profile transcending the therapeutic aspects, being able to apply the detailed physiological knowledge in other settings, such as educational, artistic and community work. The sensing, thinking and feeling bodies of EMP and client unfold abundant inner and outer relationships, stimulating agency and response-ability. Together they create an eco-somatic habitat – a tensegric embodiment.

Programme teachers are trailblazers in their areas of specialization. They make use of decades long teaching experience, and are committed to lerner- and process- oriented approaches and to reflective communication.

Module 1: Myoreflex Therapy (manual trauma and pain therapy) 
Module 2: Tensegric Embodiment (neuro-myo-fascial somatic movement education)

More information: https://www.impulstanz.com/en/embodied-myoreflex-therapy/

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