Raw Matters is offering 2 Tender Steps residencies at Arbeitsplatz Wien
Tender Steps April 26.04. – 16.05.21
Tender Steps Mai 17.05. – 06.06.21
for April residency
• 26.04. – 16.05.21 / Saturday Feedback Meetings 01.05./ 08.05./ 15.05. TBC with mentor
• Mandatory meeting for all: 25.05.21 (ca. 11 Uhr)
for May residency
• 17.05. – 06.06.21 / Saturday Feedback Meetings 22.05./ 29.05./ 05.06. TBC with mentor
• Mandatory meeting for all: 16.05.21 (ca. 11 Uhr)
for both
Potential performance possibility:04. or 05.07.21 TBC
The residency includes
• 3 weeks rehearsal space in the small studio at Arbeitsplatz Wien for 3 different artists / groups (approx. 20 hours per week)
• 3 feedback meetings that will be led by artists from the Viennese dance and performance scene on Saturdays
• Financial contribution – Solos: 480 Euro (160,-/Week) // Duos: 720 Euro (240,-/Week) // Groups: 900 Euro (300,-/Woche)
The amount is based on an equal collaboration between performance artists, choreographers/directors, live- sound/video designers.
We cannot consider technicians, costume designers, production support or any other people that are not actively performing in the project (exception: director, choreographer…)
We reserve the right not to pay a higher fee, if the collaboration for the participation at Raw Matters is not clear.
Criteria for application and selection
• Artists developing a completely new idea will be given preference over those already in the middle of a process
• Availability at the first meeting
• Availability and participation at all feedback meetings
• Motivation to be in an artistic exchange with the other participating artists
• Artists should have their place of residence in Austria
Proposals should be attached as a WORD or PDF document and must include the following information
• Name, address, mobile number of a contact person. PLEASE, ONLY ONE PERSON PER GROUP!
• Description of planned work, of the idea (max. 1 A4 paper!)
• Information about participating artists
• prefered residency
Applications via email only.