Looking for a venue for Yellowblue festival of Ukrainian culture!


I’m Olya, 20 years old and a cultural manager and poet from Ukraine. I am now living in Vienna and would like to contribute to the local art scene by hosting and organizing a festival. My goal is to show real Ukrainian art, because it is a universal language that we have mastered for a long time and very well.

Yellowblue is a one-day festival of Ukrainian culture. I am looking for a venue, which cannot only host exhibitions, but is also available for a one-day concert and performance show.

A short overview: The first is a photo exhibition. Next – an exhibition of poems. Third – children’s drawings. There is going to be a live show by Ukrainian musicians and artists- Ukrainian classical, such as playing the bandura and sopilka, and modern – young Ukrainian indie. Additionally there is going to be short performances.

The exhibition will probably last for some time, but the live music / visual program is only going to take place in one day. I am looking forward to your answers and thank you!

with regards,

Olha Dukhota

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