INPUT Residency 2022 – Vienna

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The Tanz Company Gervasi is offering up to 3 creative Residencies for Austria-based performing art artists or collectives in the RAUM 33, the rehearsal room of the Tanz Company Gervasi in the Laxemburgerstraße 33, 1100 Vienna. The space is 13 x 9 m and is equipped with a  separate kitchen and shower.

Each group/artist will be guaranteed full access to the space for 1 or 2 weeks in the period 26.09 – 29.10 2022 and, if required, artistic and dramaturgical support.

At the end of the residency period, it will be possible (but not obligatory) to organize a public or an informal presentation.


please send an email before the  20th of September to: 

with the following information in a single PDF:

1) short biography 

2) the artistic idea you want to develop during the residency  and the way in which you plan on organizing the residency (maximum one A4 page)

3) the period you could be available in the timeframe 26.09 – 29.10 2022

4) maximum 3 links (no Wetransfer) to previous works

Please send all the information in a unique pdf document.

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