June 7th 8th and 9th from 10h to 16h
TRAP – Trainingszentrum Rappachgasse
Rappachgasse 26, Simmering
Registration and question to brunako@yahoo.es
costs: 150€
In this workshop we will work on Clown and Samurai
Clown is possession.
We will divide our own self into possessor and possessed, heart and mind, freedom and shape, fun and control, excitement and awareness.
We start to walk the journey of clown by diving into its essence:
breath, sight, emotional flexibility and permeability to reality.
Theory, practical exercises and reflection will guide us toward knowledge, embodiment and clarity.
We will begin work at the individual level and progress into partner exercises.
The exercises in the this workshop will help us to explore:
-Doing nothing on stage
-Finding pleasure here and now
-Relationship with self, partner, audience, space and object.
In a parallel with clown we will discover the most powerful performing tool: the game Samurai and its performance elements: wildness, pride, freedom, awareness, projection, engagement, power and empathy.
Samurai is not a clown technique. It is a metaphorical game; a journey through the whole experience of performing arts. Anyone who can play Samurai can perform, but not all performers can play Samurai!
This workshop is open level and it is highly recommended for circus artists, dancers, musicians or actors or any kind of artist with a live performance component to their work.
Do not hesitate to email me at brunako@yahoo.es for further information or reservations!