EAIPA: FAIRNESS IN FOCUS – #1 funding structures

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The European Association of Independent Performing Arts kindly invites you to a series of online events.

With our hybrid conference on the subject of ‘Fairness for the Independent Performing Arts in Europe’ in March 2022, we identified four topics we now aim to discuss further.

The online-moderated event will offer 2-3 expert inputs, in-depth questions, discussion.
Duration: 120 min.
We kindly invite you to participate in our events on the following dates and topics:

  • 10.11.2022: funding structures / 14 – 16 h CET
  • 19.01.2023: social insurance systems / 14 – 16 h CET
  • 09.03.2023: minimum fee recommendations & fair pay / 14 – 16 h CET
  • 11.05.2023: intermittency systems / 14 – 16 h CET

Target groups:

  • artists and participants from the European independent performing arts scene
  • local and national politicians and administrative personnel
  • EAIPA members and staff
  • students
  • media

Participation is free of charge.

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsceipqj8jHtIsHYpsXK55y2ihlIZ3aHmo

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2KuOoVxZ4

Thank you for joining these highly political debates. EAIPA is pleased to provide actual information and best-practices models for all European member countries.


EAIPA – the European Association of Independent Performing Arts was founded in 2018 as the umbrella organisation for associations and interest groups from all over Europe representing the independent performing arts internationally and at the European level.

EAIPA operates at a B2B level and its members, in turn, represent the actors from the professional independent performing arts field on the respective national levels. The designation ‘independent performing arts community’ comprises all professional freelance theatre-makers, artistic ensembles, and independent institutions and structures working in the genres of dance, theatre, circus, performance, music, performing arts for children, and youth theatre as well as overall interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary artistic work.


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