Womanewer Open call Female dancers (UK)

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Womanewer are looking for female artists for our new project addressing violence
and abuse against women whilst promoting female empowerment.

Where: London, UK

When: Week of 3 May, Week of 24 May, 3 June

Deadline for applications: 26 April 2021

We will be creating a short film/documentary formed by a collection of
experiences from different women; combining text, voice recordings and
movement. This is a process driven project, focusing on creation.

We are seeking open minded versatile dance artists with strong
improvisation skills who will give input in creating tools for self-exploration.
This is a paid opportunity.

How to apply: Since we are working around a sensitive topic, please tell us why you
would like to be part of the project alongside your CV, Headshot and a short
improvisation (max 2 min) to womanewer@gmail.com by 26 April.

For further information, please visit www.laurakenyon.net/womanewer

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