ACT OUT is an international tour and residency funding programme for independent theatre and performance artists and groups. ACT OUT is funded by BMEIA – Auslandskultur and administrated by IG Freie Theaterarbeit.
In addition, ACT OUT online offers an online-video platform on Vimeo where artists / theatre groups can upload recordings of their stage productions. ACT OUT online serves, amongst others, as a selection catalogue for Austrian Cultural Forums who are interested in streaming Austrian stage productions. More information is available here.
ACT OUT Grants 2024
Submissions are now possible and are divided into two half-years for 2024, so there are two submission deadlines: For guest performances and residencies in the first half of the year, which are planned between the 1st February and 30th of June, you can submit from now on until Thursday, January 25th. Unfortunately, submissions for projects in January 2024 cannot be funded!
Guest performances and residencies taking place in the second half of 2024 – July 1st till December 31st – must be submitted by Sunday, March 31st. After all submissions have been reviewed by the jury, we plan to send out the acceptances or rejections no later than four weeks after the submission deadline.
Submission dates and deadlines:
2nd half of 2024: For guest performances and residencies from 1.07.24 – 31.12.24
Submission deadline: expired
1st half of 2024: For guest performances and residencies from 1.02.24 – 30.06.24
Submission deadline: expired
Amount and Subject of TOUR- and RESIDENCY Grants:
The maximum amount of funding for international guest performances is € 12,000.
Support is provided for:
- Costs for: Travel, transport, accommodation, text translations.
- Fees for: Artists, technicians and production management.
Eligible to apply are:
- independent groups based in Austria
- individual artists who are tax residents in Austria
From the genres:
- Drama theatre
- Musical theatre
- Children’s and youth theatre
- New circus and contemporary circus
- Street art
- Object and puppet theatre
Freelance groups and individual artists from the genres of dance and performance are NOT eligible to apply. These guest performance applications can still be submitted via DOTA.
Minimum fees and rates are stipulated, which correspond to the IGFT minimum fee recommendations and are detailed in the application form.
The maximum funding amount for international residencies of up to 5 persons is € 4,000.
Support is provided for:
- Costs for: Travel and accommodation (up to a maximum of 21 days)
- Fees for: artists
(Please note: in the case of residencies, ACT OUT can only support travelling artists who are tax residents in Austria).
Eligible to apply are:
- freelance groups based in Austria
- individual artists who are tax residents in Austria
From the genres:
- Drama theatre
- Musical theatre
- Children’s and youth theatre
- Dance and performance
- New Circus and Contemporary Circus
- Street art/performance
- Object and puppet theatre
Minimum fees and rates are stipulated, which correspond to the IGFT minimum fee recommendations and are detailed in the application form.
Applications for tour and residency funding are open to all countries internationally, but priority is given to Europe.
Applications must be submitted using the form and calculation template. Other required documents are a description of the residency or guest performance (aim and intention; at least 1,500 characters), agreement/invitation for the guest performance or residency, registration form or current extract from the register of associations (Vereinsregisterauszug).
Decision – Jury
The three-member jury decides by circular resolution within approx. two weeks after the end of the two submission deadlines in January and March for both the guest performance and the residency funding.
The Jury: Cornelia Böhnisch (Salzburg), Marlies Pucher (Wien) und Teresa Waas (Tirol)
This streaming platform serves to provide the Austrian Cultural Forums and Embassies with a selection of streamable production recordings and to provide information about the productions in terms of content and form. The Austrian Cultural Forums and Embassies will select individual productions from this pool to stream them in the respective countries. Of course, the artists will receive fees from the respective cultural forums.
Artists are cordially invited to upload their own recordings, trailers and documentations of theatre productions from the independent scene.
Click here to go to the ACT OUT online platform.
To receive the vimeo-invitation link, please send an e-mail to actout[at]
Valentin Werner – Project Manager
ACT OUT is funded by: